Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Dollar: Life guard,Underground and Over & the Sprinkler Systems

drawing collage by marguerita

"all just one big lie"

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels, those heavenly creatures who are assigned to be our protectors from the moment of our birth and throughout life. Although the nature of angels and the tasks given to them vary in each tradition ,other roles include acting as warrior or guard :a legend among Wall Street traders, was arrested on Thursday morning by federal agents and charged with criminal securities fraud stemming from his company’s money management business.“We are alleging a massive fraud — both in terms of scope and duration.
Although not a household name among consumers, Mr. M’s firm has played a significant role in the structure of Wall Street for decades, both in traditional stock trading and in the development of newer electronic networks for trading equities and
derivatives......Prominent Trader Accused of Defrauding Clients -

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