Thursday, February 4, 2010

Of Love,Darwin and Mockingbirds

drawing by marguerita

When the survey voyage of HMS Beagle visited the Galápagos Islands in September to October 1835, the naturalist Charles Darwin noticed that the mockingbirds Mimus thencadiffered from island to island, and were closely allied in appearance to mockingbirds on the South American mainland. Nearly a year later when writing up his notes on the return voyage he speculated that this, together with what he had been told about Galápagos tortoises, could undermine the doctrine of stability of species. This was his first recorded expression of his doubts about species being immutable, which led to him being convinced about thetransmutation of species and hence evolution. It was only after the ship returned to England that he found out about the better known Darwin's Finches.

In 2009 it was reported that Doug Levey, a biologist at the University of Florida, had discovered that mockingbirds could pick out a threatening person from a crowd. Levey had one person stand near a mockingbird nest and touch it, while other people avoided the nest. Later on, the mockingbirds recognized the intruder and attacked him, while ignoring the other

" Listen to the Mockingbird" was once a popular song

inthe United States.The sc ientific name of this

species translates as " many-tongued mimic ."

Mockingbirds have been known to mimic the songs

of thirty-nine other bird species, imitate fifty call

notes, the barking of a dog, pianos, and squeaky

gates.Mockingbirds possess their own song and

unmated males will sing at night during spring.

They are very aggressive defenders of their territory,

chasing not only other birds,but also cats, dogs and

humans .excerpt from 50 Common Birds of The

SouthWest by Richard L.Cunningham- Tucson


Act ( in tangential mode)


I am not going to violate

the Order of Merit ,

it is kind of an Order,not an

Oscar,de la Renta, oy....

Your words are the same all these years and you call it love!
Daisy: Okay, you too.
Makeover then?Sex change ?
I am quite comfortable being a woman.

What about you?

You show no change. Do you call that love?.but?????

oh yeah, you are into but and if, I forgot.....
So, honey,membrillo,couscous
and rice and peace.....
My callaloo

Spelled half a dozen different ways, this colorful word turns up in Jamaican records as early as 1696. This leafy, spinach-like vegetable is typically prepared as one would prepare turnip or collard greens. This variety of callaloo Amaranthus viridis, better known as Chinese spinach or Indian kale, should not be confused with the callaloo found in the eastern Caribbean, which refers to the leaves of the dasheen plant
I can do it in PORTUGUESE, voulez vous???????pas de probleme,mon cher

O mon amour, mon doux, mon tendre, mon merveilleux amour, de l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour, je t'aime encore, tu sais...

je t'adore........(words by Brel)

His Serene Highness.
My wonderful lover,
Hare Krishna,
My Budha,
My Dalai Lama,
my Pope, My watermelon,
My bababas,
My mercury,
My Liquid Desire,
"Beef Stroganov or Stroganoff

my forbidden fruit,
oh,that is a song......
my music,
my air and water.....
Happy now??????
There is more
My Niagara falls,
MY Distant Planet,
My dessert,or my desert
MY First Course,
My Intercourse,
My Mockingbird,
My Cockatiel,
My Sunshine,
" Moonshine,
My Orgasm
My Earth,Flood and Tears

Pause and Intermission

Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind; this consciousness is the original energy of the living entity.

When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived ...[]... This chanting of 'Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare' is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, and thus this sound vibration surpasses all lower strata of consciousness - namely sensual, mental, and intellectual ...[]... As such anyone can take part in the chanting without any previous qualification.

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