Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Of KATHRYN BIGELOW , Scopophilia,Women Man,Adam and Eve, Mind and Bananas

drawing by marguerita

I watched and cheered the wonderful moment of
Kathryn Bigelow conquering Mr.Oscar.

Why women through times immemorial must face the eternal challenge to exercise their capacities ,in any field one is deemed to be able, beats me.
Women are mothers, go through labor, an act that no man is capable of, of course an oxymoron, nevertheless a reminder of the absurd,that after all a battle ensues later on in life,when gender roles become an issue and a war.
Through history,Cleopatra,Nefertiti and a few others,Marie Curie,Marguerite Duras, Marie Laurencin, Maria Callas,Simone Weil and a long , long, and long list of names of women in every field proved themselves brilliant and capable.

But ha, in the history of the 82 years of Oscar, this year,the first one to recognize a woman,whew!

It is not a secret that women are known as I recently found the words here from another site,which match my train of thought:
Women have been making money.
Are a financial support for their families for generations.
Husband/wife teams have proven to be a winning combination for millions of successful businesses. Couples who know how to work closely together share a unique dedication and loyalty to their business’s success.

A successful business man seeks life partner to share his entrepreneurial dream.

Few tips learned from below mentioned 20

Hottest Wives of CEO’S and Entrepreneurs:

- Involve your wife in your plans, your dreams

and your business decisions.

- Maintain clear and separate areas

of responsibility.

Perhaps she heads up marketing and sales,

while you focuses on product development.

Division of labor is crucial for maintaining

the working relationship

.If she has the time and the interest,

offer her an important role in your

business and show your appreciation

for the work she does to assist you in

helping you both achieve your common goals.

On the other hand we face Scopophilia,

which Kathryn Bigelow mentions in one

of her interviews.

A word hard to be heard on mainstream,

which on the other hand is the mainstream case.


Though the term ‘Scopophilia’ may carry

dubious connotations (even if we do not

know what it means), this day and age has

created a civilization of scopophiliacs.

Scopophilia literally means “a love of watching.”

The term entered our lexicon through a

translation of the Freudian

psychoanalytic word Schaulust.

That word does not necessarily

signify a peeping Tom caricature

that portrays a face pressed against

a window holding up binoculars

to get a good gander at their neighbors.

Scopophilia comes in many forms: Movie-making

and movie-viewing is one avenue of scopophilia.

Social networking websites that have allowed one

to publicize the private is another cultural arena.

Importantly, when he was describing

this Schaulust, Sigmund Freud distinguished

between two forms that scopophiliacs enjoy:

the active form of watching known as “voyeurism”

and the more passive form of “exhibitionism.” Though our

voyeuristic endeavors can transcend sex, Freudian interpretation

asserts that our scopophilia is rooted in an expression of sexuality.

In Sigmund Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality,

he argues that scopophilia drives our libido from childhood.

In his outlined process of healthy psychosexual development,

Freud suggests between the ages of two and four, healthy reconciliation

of the anal stage requires a combination of self-mastery and our impulse

of scopophilia.

This psychosexual theory concludes that our voyeurism

contributes to the formation and development of our ego.

Consequently, it is impossible to discern the sexual aspects of

scopophilia from its non-sexual aspects.

Freud even went on to describe four stages of the drives involved

in scopophilia: First is the passive form known as “exhibitionism”

which entails your sexual organ being looked at.

The second stage is the active side that involves

looking at another’s sexual organs.

The third and fourth

stages are similar but they move beyond sexual organs to

voyeurism and exhibitionism of “extraneous objects.”

If individuals derive any form of gratification from voyeurism

or exhibitionism, there has to be something deep-rooted, something

visceral to explain its origin and causes.

Whether discussing pornography or advertising, the chief concerns

regarding the effects scopophilia has on an individual

or societal-level centre on fetishism and objectification.

Psychologists argue that scopophilia involves the subject or

person being watched being reduced to an object whose key purpose

is for the viewing pleasure of the watcher. The ethical implications

of this are not unfounded either: Take pornography, for example.

Pornographic actors are rarely embraced by the mainstream

and often have their humanity devalued because the films

they are featured requires such passiveness from watchers.

The criticisms of objectification of peoples in pornography

are not misguided. Indeed, this lack of humanity accredited to

pornographic stars may in fact partially explain the reckless

drug and self-abuse rampant in the industry.

Another concern surrounding scopophiliacs involves fetishism

which can escalate to unhealthy and dangerous levels if left

unchecked and improperly channeled. Before his execution,

serial killer Ted Bundy warned of the dangers of the increasingly

sexualized culture of voyeurism: “You are going to kill me,”

he warned, “and that will protect society from me. But out

there are many, many more people who are addicted to pornography,

and you are doing nothing about that.” Indeed, sufferers of

psychosexual disorders originating from childhood trauma –

such as sexual abuse – have a history of being more vulnerable

to scopophilia cases that have led to a harmful escalation of their habit.

Perversions and fetishism have long existed, but the increasing accessibility

and understanding beg many disturbing questions.

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