Friday, October 22, 2010

Of Kidneys,Exhaustion, Hormones,Onions and Tears

drawing by marguerita

Kidney exhaustion can also be called adrenal exhaustion as the kidneys are responsible for supporting the adrenals in the body.

Bags underneath the eyes and swollen red eyelids mean that the kidneys are very congested. If the kidneys are weak, fluids can be accumulated and retained. Foods that support the kidneys include watermelon, buckwheat, onions, beans, grapes, berries, seaweed, watercress, and barley. Beta carotene, B complex vitamins and vitamin E all help. Warming herbs for the kidneys reduce mucus, revive the kidney yang and boost the immune system.

Stress is a natural part of life but too much stress is extremely detrimental towards our health.

An excess of stress causes negative emotions such as frustration, anger, and depression, and these disrupt sleep, alter eating habits, reduce the motivation to exercise and distract from clear thinking.

The stress also activates various hormones in the body which cause a physical toll on the system, contributing to fatigue.

For example, heart rate and blood pressure levels increase.

For this reason, it is important to learn how to respond to stress.

Use relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathwork, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation. Look for stress management techniques to help you deal with stressful situations as they arise. Also take control of the issues that you are able to. For example, if you have pressure at work, look for ways to alleviate it. Try delegating, or simply saying that you don’t have time to take on that extra project. Learn to say no to people that are making demands of you that you don’t feel can be met.

When it comes to exhaustion,

the foods we eat make a major difference. This makes sense considering that food is the fuel for the body. Firstly, always make the time to eat breakfast. Studies have shown that people that eat breakfast are in a better mood and have more energy throughout the day. It is interesting to note that thirst can disguise itself as fatigue. Even slight dehydration can leave you feeling tired and lethargic. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you feel fatigued after a good night’s sleep, try cutting down on alcohol during the evening.

You also need to keep your blood sugar levels balanced so that the flow of energy to the body is constant. If you eat foods that are high in sugar, the blood sugar level will spike, giving you a short term energy boost but leave you feeling fatigued later. Wholegrains are a good choice of food as they provide a slow, steady release of fuel, normalising blood sugar levels and keeping energy levels consistent.

Food intolerances or allergies are one of the most common causes of fatigue in the body. In fact, you may be fatigued and not suffer from any other symptoms. If you do suffer from a food allergy, every time you eat the offending food, you are introducing something foreign into the body, resulting in the immune system attacking the food. The immune system expends a lot of energy doing this and the end result is fatigue. To find out which foods may be causing trouble for you, an elimination diet may be recommended. This is where certain foods are taken out of the diet and then gradually reintroduced until the culprit is found. Once the culprit is identified, it is generally a matter of eliminating it from the diet as much as possible.

Ensure that there is sufficient magnesium in your diet. It plays a critical role in the reactions that generate energy within the body and good dietary sources include nuts and green vegetables. Low iron levels can cause fatigue and a low mood so ensure that you get plenty of iron in your diet through red meat sources and leafy green vegetables. Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron into the body.

Avoid caffeine as while it provides an energy spike, the fatigue is worse as it wears off.

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